Saturday, October 25, 2014

Cyber Brains, It's not what you think, it's how . . . YOU THINK

"There would be no tabloid newspaper industry 
without the constant stupidity of normally intelligent people."
The Curricullum
Stanley Bing


It is tough getting things done in large complex organizations.   In my cyber security world a good day is when nothing bad happens.  
(You can probably relate.)

I have noticed that my cyber brain and the brains of others tend toward a certain state immediately when bad things happen . . .

Not very productive I must admit.

After I calm down a bit (usually after I have been contacted by executives) my cyber brain state seems to shift to . . . 

WOW . . . followed quickly by . . . 

"There are things that people have great difficulty accepting, because they mean that the vision of reality that we have built up over a painful history of superstition, confusion and struggle is profoundly inadequate."
The Key: A True Encounter
Whitley Strieber

At some point my cyber brain stabilizes and I realize if anything is going to get done, I am responsible.  I have to lead.


"For starters, even if there really is no way you can win, you never say it out loud. You assess why, change strategy, adjust tactics, and keep fighting and pushing till either you’ve gotten a better outcome or you’ve died. Either way, you never quit when your country needs you to succeed." 
Service: A Navy SEAL at War
Marcus Luttrell

If you haven't had the chance to see the movie or read the book "Lone Survivor" and to learn the remarkable story of Operation Red Wings and Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell . . . you should.

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