Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3 Elements of followership . . . +1 more element for great LEADERSHIP.

How do you really know if you, as a cyber defense professional, are a great leader?

"I'll know it when I see it or feel it"  . . . maybe the best that can be said about leadership . . . for way too many.

I submit to all cyber professionals that if your team and your clients (internal or external) actually take your advice, engage in realizing your initiatives, and back your tough decisions, i.e., . . . FOLLOW YOU, the existence of their FOLLOWERSHIP proves that at least partial leadership has, in fact, occurred.  

But that is not necessarily . . .  great leadership.

Stay with me . . . 

Three (3) elements must be present for basic followership:

Brightness of the Future

Darkness of the Future

Frequency of Interaction

These three elements drive followership but not great leadership. All sorts of vile and despicable historical figures have created followership using brightness, darkness and frequency.

I submit to you that virtually every war was caused by vile historical figures using brightness, darkness and frequency; however no one would call them neither great leaders nor their results great leadership !

Cyber defense professionals . . . build followership thru brightness, darkness and frequency but then add the elusive 4th element and become GREAT LEADERS.

As JFK, a great leader is in "it" with the followers.  That's the elusive 4th element that drives Great Leadership.

I am in all of this with you.

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